1. BARREL, what is
2. Obama
3. Biden
4. Comey
5. Brennan
6. Clapper
7. McDonough
8. Power
9. Rice
10. Yates
11. Strok
12. Paige
13. Pelosi
14. Schumer
15. Nadler
16. Schiff
17. Fake News and Others
18. Gate?
19. PORK, it is the accusation by investigative journalists and others and
20. what more and more appears to be the confirmed truth that
21. Obama,
22. Biden,
23. Clinton,
24. Comey,
25. Brennan,
26. Clapper,
27. McDonough,
28. Power,
29. Rice,
30. Yates,
31. Strok,
32. Paige,
33. Pelosi,
34. Schumer,
35. Nadler,
36. Schiff,
37. and others including Steele and Fusion GPS and the Ohrs and Podestas and Fake News Outlets and others including certain other FBI actors and other “whistleblowers”
38. wrongfully
39. and seditiously
40. and traitorously
41. conspired
42. either as principals
43. or as accessories
44. to criminally harm and steal the 2016 and 2020 election from
45. Bernie Sanders
46. and to criminally harm and steal the 2016 and 2020 election from, and after his 2016 election marginalize and remove from office THE
47. President of the United States DONALD TRUMP
48. and his family
49. and the Republican party
50. by means of
51. a partisan
52. impeachment
53. using lies about “Russian Collusian”
54. using lies about “Ukraine Obstruction of Justice”
55. using fake FISA warrants and unmasking,
56. using lies about POTUS TRUMP’s dealings with Ukraine,
57. framing General Flynn,
58. framing Carter Page and others,
59. including other falsehoods and clandestine initiatives including COVID 19 falsehoods and clandestine initiatives?
61. REGARDING the 2020 ELECTION, OBAMABIDENFAKENEWSMEDIA GATE is the accusation that OBAMA knew and BIDEN knew and much of the media knew and sanctioned and purveyed and jointly carried out the unconscionable and illegal lying frame up of General Flynn and others and the framing of POTUS TRUMP and with the intent of harming and marginalizing and removing POTUS TRUMP from the national political equation.