Honor POTUS Trump and FLOTUS Trump! BARREL & PORK.

BARREL, I have come up with this three part description honoring POTUS Trump and FLOTUS Trump, and this same description is a blueprint for every country leader in the world.

What is it, PORK?

BARREL, if POTUS Trump and FLOTUS Trump continue on track, keeping their promises to us, building the wall, stopping the invasion, generating jobs, lowering taxes, prosecuting those who have abused their elected or paid offices, history will show that POTUS Trump and FLOTUS Trump are two of the greatest most honorable national and world leaders.

1. FREE. These two great and honorable leaders are focused [including a strong military] on helping us enjoy INDEPENDENCE AND FREEDOM – freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to travel, freedom to bear arms, freedom of religion – letting the people worship how where or what they may so long as they don’t force others to worship as they do.

2. SAFE. These two great and honorable leaders are focused on helping us and our children and unborn be SAFE – safe from terrorism, safe from crime, safe from invasion, safe from war, safe from abortion, safe from human trafficking, safe from predator politicians, safe from physical or emotional or intellectual or sexual or other abuse.

3. PROSPEROUS. These two great and honorable leaders are focused on helping us be PROSPEROUS with adequate health care, education, entrepreneurial opportunities, manufacturing in country, minimal taxation, and jobs.


  1. What do you think of BREXIT, PORK?

    BARREL, every country should be free and independent. I have 52 REASONS Why the United Kingdom should leave the European Union and regain its “INDEPENDENCE,” “FREEDOM,” and “SOVEREIGNTY” AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE, and if the current PM won’t or is incapable of making it happen, then vote in a new one who will help the people be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS, BARREL.

    1. ANGER WITH PRIME MINISTERS. The British people are angry with David Cameron and Theresa May because they have not been firm in support of the INDEPENDENCE, SOVEREIGNTY, FREEDOM, SAFETY, and PROSPERITY of the British people. Their compromises are problematic to say the least.
    2. ANGER WITH PRIME MINISTERS. Tensions among the British people are at a breaking point regarding the wave of asylum seekers and migrants invading from the Middle East and Africa.
    3. CONTROL. Leaving most if not all onerous control by EU institutions is a primary reason for leaving the EU. Freedom to choose for oneself no matter the consequences is at the heart of BREXIT independence.
    4. CONTROL. The idea that laws governing British citizens are decided by politicians from other nations is troubling at best. The EU polygamous relationships between the countries tends to be counterproductive.
    5. COST OF BELONGING TO THE EU. The budget contribution for the EU is onerous and without commensurate benefits.
    6. CUSTOMS. Remaining in the EU customs union is problematical given EU customs regulations.
    7. ECONOMICS. Economics is a reason. Britain’s privileged position is under threat from Germany and France and others. Contrary to some opinions, competitiveness as between European “states” is often heightened and not mitigated by EU involvement.
    8. ECONOMICS. Financial and economic regulations are onerous.
    9. ECONOMICS. Non-euro currencies (e.g. the pound) are at risk.
    10. ECONOMICS. There are limitations to an EU single market.
    11. ECONOMICS. There is lack of financial control and autonomy.
    12. EU BUREAUCRACY. The European Union’s excessive “German and Belgium and French” globalist bureaucracy is problematical and often antithetical to the values and interests of the UK.
    13. EU CONTROL. The European Union is highly controlling.
    14. EU CONTROLS FRONTIERS. Frontiers of the state of Britain, including fishing waters, are curtailed at a European level.
    15. EU AS GLOBALIST INTENTIONAL DESTRUCTION OF NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTIES. UK National sovereignty is marginalized, minimized, jeopardized by globalist agendas. Nationalism is a virtue not a vice as globalists would have one believe.
    16. EU DYSFUNCTION. The European Union is highly dysfunctional.
    17. EU EURO. The common euro currency threatens the pound.
    19. EU LACK OF DEMOCRATIC ACCOUNTABILITY. The European Union’s lack of democratic accountability is discomfiting.
    20. EU SUPERSTATE. The British people are suspicious of a political union with the rest of Europe because the thrust and agenda is toward a “global” and “globalist” “European superstate” including an EU military, ostensibly to compete with the United States, or to counter threats from those within or without the EU.
    21. EXPENSE. The expense of participation is onerous without commensurate benefits.
    22. HISTORICAL CONNECTIONS. UK has historical connections with many other parts of the world from its past empire and commonwealth relationships and is quite capable of making its own treaties and trade arrangements.
    23. IMMIGRATION/MIGRATION/INVASION. Asylum seekers are not remaining in the first EU country they enter as promised.
    24. IMMIGRATION/MIGRATION/INVASION. Immigration is increasing while paying lip service to its reduction. The immigration waves have all the earmarks of an invasion of the west.
    25. IMMIGRATION/MIGRATION/INVASION. Immigration policy is unclear and favors open borders, and unvetted cross-country movement, each of which threaten Great Britain’s identity as a people.
    26. IMMIGRATION/MIGRATION/INVASION. Remaining in the EU Single Market and submitting to EU requirements mandating free movement of people from anywhere in the EU without careful vetting is extremely risky, causing more problems than it is worth and makes no sense.
    27. IMMIGRATION/MIGRATION/INVASION. The border-free Schengen area is problematic to say the least. It comprises 26 European states that have abolished passports and all forms of border control. With the movement of peoples unchecked this a recipe for terrorist and military disaster.
    28. IMMIGRATION/MIGRATION/INVASION. The idea and practice of free movement across borders throughout Europe is fraught with perils including conflicts with cultures and religions and economic interests.
    29. IMMIGRATION/MIGRATION/INVASION. The wave of asylum seekers – the EU’s open borders plans to resettle hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees from the Middle East and Africa – is disturbing and destabilizing.
    30. IMMIGRATION/MIGRATION/INVASION. An invasion of vast numbers of people is moving uncontrolled without proper vetting or control across the continent, with the result that many are taking over enclaves in the UK.
    31. IMMIGRATION/MIGRATION/INVASION. Limits on the number of migrants are discussed but are not implemented.
    32. INDEPENDENCE. Leaving the EU means the UK will jettison the globalist agenda and be more nearly independent and will take responsibility for its own economy, security, and laws.
    33. LANGUAGE BARRIERS. Language difficulties are significant given the unchecked immigration/migration/invasion.
    34. PRINCIPLES. No deal is indeed better than a bad deal. No deal, if it comes to that, simply means Great Britain will be independent.
    35. REGULATIONS. Standardization of everything from labor regulations to the size of olive oil containers threatens Europe with persistent low growth and high unemployment.
    36. REGULATIONS. Article 50 of the 2009 Lisbon Treaty required official notification of the EU by the UK government, and PM May triggered the article on March 29, 2017.
    37. REGULATIONS. Disentangling the UK from EU regulations though difficult is doable and contrary to some opinions is not a major problem in “settling the status of millions of UK citizens residing in the EU and non-EU citizens in the UK”and although it will require present and future UK-EU security cooperation, the final withdrawal deal approved “by a super majority of EU countries” has bearing on the EU and is irrelevant to the European Parliament.” Whoever permits the provision requiring a “super majority approval,” as an excuse for preventing Great Britain from withdrawing, deserves significant opprobrium.
    38. REGULATIONS. EU laws and regulations are onerous. Independence, indeed separateness, and the common law, is a primary source of strength of Great Britain.
    39. REGULATIONS. Opt-outs have failed to protect UK interests.
    40. REGULATIONS. Reduction of EU regulations has not been forthcoming.
    41. REGULATIONS. There is limited ability to negotiate with the EU.
    42. SOVEREIGNTY. “Ever closer union with EU “states”” is antithetical to British independence and sovereignty.
    43. SOVEREIGNTY. Destruction of national sovereignty by the globalist agenda has been a result of getting involved with the EU.
    44. SOVEREIGNTY. Reclaiming independence and sovereignty is a primary reason for leaving the EU.
    45. STATUS of the UK. The UK did not lose the first or second world war and was not invaded during the second world war either. The UK has a unique history having just recently ceded control over large areas of the world. With its penchant for industry, its economic system, and its common law system, it is destined for continued greatness, which is best realized by being independent and by not ceding its options to the EU governing board comprised of Germany, France, Belgium and others.
    46. STATUS of the UK. The UK was not invaded during second world war.
    47. STATUS of the UK. The UK was victorious in second world war. Now territorial ambitions of other actors, including those who lost the second world war, appear to be realized by so-called “peaceful migration” which by any other definition is simple invasion.
    48. TERRORISM. EU nationals traveled to Syria to fight with the self-proclaimed Islamic State and now many have returned with their radical ideas and terrorist activities thereby making the UK vulnerable — jeopardizing the safety and security of British citizens.
    49. TERRORISM. Knife attacks and car and truck attacks in Great Britain have increased in number and this increase can be traced to the immigration/migration/invasion policies of the EU.
    50. TERRORISM. Terrorist attacks in Europe have not been eliminated as promised.
    51. TRADE. There is inability to integrate with the European Coal and Steel Community.
    52. TRADE. There is inability to integrate with the European Economic and Cultural Community. Again, BARREL, Great Britain, and for that matter each country, needs to be independent, sovereign, and free of entanglements.
    53. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-brexit-means?gclid=CjwKCAiA0O7fBRASEiwAYI9QAu7PR4EDTGCeR0OXy7BKq2TCh0nRip1v2UoGbcJo8Vi2MSEecFvlNRoCzuMQAvD_BwE





BARREL, I understand some of the Border Wall prototypes are flawed. Here are 25 questions about BUILDER POTUS Trump’s singular promise to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL.

What are those questions, PORK? I thought BUILDER POTUS TRUMP was making progress to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL.

In my judgment, BUILDER POTUS Trump has made but a very little token effort to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL. BUILDER POTUS TRUMP needs to pull out all stops today – this minute. Doing so will stave off the democrat attempts to gain control of the House and Senate.


  1. BUILDER POTUS Trump, don’t you think Congress has had its chance to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL?
  2. Don’t you think Congress has failed to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL and needs to be “fired?”
  3. Don’t you think Congress, especially democrats, has failed and any responsibility to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL and its funding needs to be removed from their oversight?
  4. BUILDER POTUS Trump, in your business, if your employees were dragging their feet and failing to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALLwith speed, wouldn’t you fire them ALL promptly?
  5. As an alleged great contruction person, BUILDER POTUS TRUMP, shouldn’t you personally take charge and BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL today?
  6. Don’t you have the power to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL immediately? YOU DO.
  7. Don’t you have plenty of money in the military budget to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL immediately? YOU DO.
  8. Don’t you think it is time to pull all stops and BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL now? IT IS.
  9. Don’t you think it is time to assign the Army Corps of Engineers to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL within the next couple of months? IT IS.
  10. Doesn’t the Army Corps of Engineers have the capacity to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL in war time? YES THEY DO.
  11. Doesn’t the U.S. Military have the capacity to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL in war time in a couple of months? YES THEY DO.
  12. BUILDER POTUS TRUMP, don’t you think we are at war with the drug cartels and other terrorist groups and even certain nations south of the border? YES WE ARE. DON’T YOU THINK WE NEED TO BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL and cut those enemy groups off at the pockets? YES.
  13. In any war time situation, BUILDER POTUS TRUMP, wouldn’t the Army Corps of Engineers and Military under General Mattis be called upon to move extremely fast and BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL in a few days? YES THEY WOULD.
  14. Again, BUILDER POTUS TRUMP, are we not at war with the Mexican drug cartels and terrorists groups and even other South American “invading” nations and are they not killing thousands of our young and old with their illicit drugs and gang members?  YES THEY ARE. SO, ONCE AGAIN, DON’T WE NEED TO BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL ASAP? YES WE DO!
  15. Don’t you think the most humane treatment of all regarding those from whatever country who are trying to come to the U.S.A. is to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL and put a complete end to illicit border crossings including shutting down the coyotes completely? YES IT IS. Haven’t the Israelis successfully built their wall for the same basic reasons? AND AREN’T THE ISRAELIS SUCCESSFUL IN PROTECTING THEIR NATION? YES.
  16. BUILDER POTUS TRUMP, don’t you think it is humane and the right thing to do and way, way, way beyond time to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL and seal the border and make everyone come in through the front gate and be vetted including E-verified? YES IT IS.
  17. Don’t you think you have given the democrats and others in congress plenty of opportunity to rise to the occasion and protect our country and now they have failed in their sacred duty so it is time for you, BUILDER POTUS TRUMP, to give a very detailed progress report to the nation about why you have not and now will immediately BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL and provide for the safety of the nation?
  18. BUILDER POTUS TRUMP, isn’t your approval rating high – in our judgment 80% – 90% – not hovering at 40% to 50% as some would have us believe? Isn’t this true regardless of polls because you command 90% of the media attention in the nation and world? Cutting to the chase, WOULDN’T YOUR APPROVAL RATINGS GO THROUGH THE ROOF AND BE SOLIDIFIED FOR YEARS TO COME IF YOU ONLY DO ONE THING WHICH IS FOCUS TODAY AND BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL TODAY? YES THEY WOULD. Ann Coulter recognizes this. We, BARREL & PORK recognize this. We are sure you do do. You’ve just been waiting for the right moment to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL and make Mexico pay for it, haven’t you?
  19. Didn’t we vote for you, BUILDER POTUS TRUMP, because you said you would BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL and make Mexico pay for it? YES!
  20. Don’t you think it is time to stop dancing around verbally with congress and make good on your promise to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL TODAY?
  21. Don’t you think you ought to get out of your Oval Office chair and report on the wall to the nation and launch the greatest, most awesome, remarkable. successful, fast, no flaws, major BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL effort BEFORE THE COMING MIDTERM ELECTIONS?
  22. POTUS Trump, did you or did you not promise you would BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL, no excuses? YES YOU DID. And are you running out of time to do so? LOOKS LIKE IT. Every day that passes is a lost day to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL.The one thing your enemies and detractors do not want you to do is BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL because they know that will guarantee the GOP the House and Senate and it will guarantee you a second term.
  23. Don’t you think it is time to REPORT TO THE NATION IN A SPECIAL TELEVISION SPECIAL ON FOX NEWS AND CSPAN AND ALL NETWORKS DETAILS ABOUT THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL NOW? And while you are at it, don’t you think it will be counterproductive to water down your message with a whole lot of stuff about immigration?
  24. Don’t you think you ought to hire us, BARREL & PORK, or somebody like us with your best interests at heart, to put all of your promises on a grid so you can report daily and weekly to the American people about your progress in keeping your promises? Especially your promise to BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL?
  25. Don’t you think top of your list should be BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL AND MAKE MEXICO PAY FOR IT? We sure think so. Come on. How about getting up out of your oval office chair and launch the Army Corps of Engineers and General Mattis and  BUILD THE U.S. MEXICO BORDER WALL TODAY.

BARREL & PORK image and blog post. by Richard W. Linford

(c) Copyright 2018 Linford Corporation

All domestic and international rights reserved

FREE, SAFE, AND PROSPEROUS. How to tell if POTUS Trump is helping you?

How to tell if POTUS Trump is helping you?

Is what he is saying and signing helping you be more FREE? (Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Assembly, Right to bear arms)

Is what he is saying and signing helping you be more SAFE? (Border security, Extreme vetting of immigrants, Elimination of gangs and crime)

Is what he is saying and signing helping you be more PROSPEROUS? (Jobs, Manufacturing, Tax reduction)