A hard ball political riddle? Why can the disgraced Joe Biden Crime Family “run and not hide” and “hide and not run?”
Answer? Because of Joe’s crisis of character. Joe and his Biden Crime Family sold and monetized Joe’s Vice Presidency and in the process sold out America, that is why Joe should withdraw quickly.
Because the evidence is overwhelming.
1. Because Joe and Barak gave $1.7 billion much in small bills, plus $50 to 150 billion to IRAN during Joe’s tenure as VP, the money used to foment terrorism and support IRAN’s military and nuclear efforts.
2. (https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/yes-obama-helped-fund-the-iranian-regime/;https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/jan/07/facebook-posts/facebook-claim-wrongly-states-obama-gave-iran-150-/; https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/477666-obama-[and Joe Biden] should-apologize-for-shameful-cash-payment-to-iran; https://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-iran-payment-cash-20160907-snap-story.html)
3. Because Joe’s Crime Family “bagged” $3.5 million from RUSSIA. “The GOP report … states that between May 6, 2015 and December 8, 2015, Baturina sent 11 wires in the amount of $391,968.21 to a bank account belonging to BAK USA LLC, a technology startup based in Buffalo, New York. The transactions all listed ‘Loan Agreement’ in the payment details section. Nine of the 11 transactions, totaling $241,797.14 were first sent from Baturina’s accounts to a [Hunter Biden] Rosemont Seneca Thornton bank account, which then transferred to the money to BAK USA, according to the report.”
5. Because Joe’s Crime Family “bagged” $1.5 billion from IRAQ.
7. Because they “bagged” as much as $80 thousand a month and $16.5 million from Ukraine.
8. https://tass.com/world/1090971
9. Because Joe “withheld” $1 billion from Ukraine until Ukraine fired a prosecutor looking into Burisma and Joe bragged about it on world television. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2019/09/25/heres-what-happened-with-the-bidens-and-ukraine/#6741c1973938; https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/09/27/flashback_2018_joe_biden_brags_at_cfr_meeting_about_withholding_aid_to_ukraine_to_force_firing_of_prosecutor.html
10.Because Joe’s Crime Family “bagged $1.5 billion from China communists and transferred military technology to the Chinese and Joe is forever soft on China and compromised in dealing with China which is the greatest existential threat to the United States of America there is. https://www.wsj.com/articles/what-we-know-about-hunter-bidens-dealings-in-china-11570181403; https://nypost.com/2019/05/11/the-troubling-reason-why-biden-is-so-soft-on-china/
11.Because out of greed Joe allowed his crack compromised son to serve as “bag man” for the Biden Crime Family and do so with some of the worst criminals on the planet. (See Hunter Biden’s laptop emails which are not Russian disinformation as Adam Schiff shrilling shouts. And see Peter Sweizer’s books and new video.)
12.Because Joe, “the big guy,” like the Sopranos, took 10% to 50% of the proceeds from his Crime Family members, and don’t even think to go there that Joe is some nice guy. Joe is definitely not a nice guy. Joe is only a nice guy like Tony Soprano is a nice guy. (Documented in Hunter’s laptop. Further documented by Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense and Glenn Beck and Peter Sweizer and Tom Fitton. )
13.Because Joe, lied about his Crime Family’s activities during the earlier debate.
14.Because Joe and Barak were complicit with Hillary, Nancy, Chuck, Strok, Page, Schiff, Nadler, the Democratic National Committee and multiple democrats and even some republicans, and the fake news, in the fake surveillance of POTUS TRUMP and the TRUMP family and the Trump campaign and in “Hillary and John Podesta’s Russia collusion narrative” [Hillary paid for the fake dossier] and Nancy Pelosi’s and Adam Schiff’s fake “obstruction narrative” and bogus impeachment of POTUS Trump.
15.Because “Joe Biden’s character” makes the answer to this hard ball political riddle easy. Joe’s character is why Joe Biden and his Crime Family are disgraced before the nation and can “run and not hide” and “hide and not run” for the high office of President of the United States, why Joe needs to confess to his Crime Family activities and apologize to the nation, because all of their graft and corruption is there in living color for us to view.
16.To Joe we say, “Come on, man.” Joe you should withdraw today like you withdrew earlier after acknowledging your law school plagiarism. Just admit you are not well and let the nation move on with 4 more years of POTUS TRUMP. (Further documented by Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense and Glenn Beck and Peter Sweizer and Tom Fitton.)
BARREL & PORK. (c) 2020 We report. You decide.